The Time Out Trilogy is available in store and online on 
Amazon, Barns and Noble, and select bookstores.

Daddy’s Time Out

“There aren’t many books like this out there. These are valuable tools for parents, social workers, therapists, and numerous others…”
– Ruth M. Cowan, MS, AMFT

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Mama’s Time Out 

“The Time Out series provides children of incarcerated parents an opportunity to accept the fact that sometimes, people make mistakes…I highly recommend this book to social workers, probation agents and all in the justice system.”
– The Honorable Allison Krehbiel J.D., Fifth Judicial District Judge for Nicollet County, Minnesota

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Peanut’s Time Out

“I think these books are perfect. I love how simple supportive, normalizing, and caring the stories are. And of course, the illustrations are gorgeous too.”
-Suzanne C. Tuttle, MSW, LICSW

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Words from the Author on the Social Issue’s Impact on Children

In the United States, mothers and fathers go to prison at alarming rates. According to The Sentencing Project, one of every 12 American children, more than 5.7 million kids under the age of 18, has experienced parental incarceration at some point in their lives. As the parent is “punished” away from home, let us not forget those being punished by being left behind.

Indeed, witnessing the arrest and removal of a parent or sibling can be traumatic for any child. Still, for a pre-school age child, it can be even scarier. Studies show children with incarcerated parents are twice as likely as their peers (without a parent in prison) to develop behavioral or mental health problems, including increased aggression, depression, and anxiety.

Pre-school children pose a unique challenge. They are old enough to sense loss and feel stress but too young to precisely tell what is going on. Or are they?

I submit there is a way to clearly and sensitively explain why a parent is no longer in the home and, what’s more, teach a valuable lesson in the process.

The Time Out trilogy is about consequence, redemption, and transformation. God bless the children.

– Rachel Nee Hall


Readers’ Favorite


“I so admire Rachel Nee Hall for working on this problem. I have not seen it addressed in children’s books before, and I agree with the author about the importance of the issue. It’s easy to understand that such kids may develop serious problems themselves….

…Separation from a parent must be traumatic for a child, and Daddy’s Time Out (the first of a predicted trilogy) by Rachel Nee Hall will provide vital understanding and succor for a youngster in this unfortunate circumstance through no fault of their own.”

Reviewed by Jon Michael Miller for Readers’ Favorite 

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Ruth M. Cowan


“Children have trouble processing their feelings and often cannot understand why a family member has gone to prison…The animal characters deftly allow the child to unravel mixed feelings and begin to process in the information in a way that can help him or her find stability and some sort of understanding…I highly recommend using this book and letting others know about it.”

– Ruth M. Cowan, MS, AMFT 

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